Tutoring Programs : Tutoring Subjects All Grades (K - 12th)
For your child in elementary, middle, or high school, we provide the necessary tools for success in the future.
Many parents ask us when is the right time to start..
Is your child a struggling reader? If no one else could help, we can.
We will work to build a strong foundation to help your struggling reader increase his literacy skills at any level.

There is no right time to start. Parents often ask themselves questions like, "Is my child on track to be successful in kindergarten?" and "How do I help my child who need supplemental intervention?"
To address these types of questions, our kindergarten curriculum is based on the physical and intellectual development of 4 - 6 years old. This is the time when their vocabulary expands and they form a strong foundation in the various subjects, and it is important to identify the problems that some kindergarteners might face at this stage. Your child will learn the foundations of reading and English language arts skills that set them on the path to become lifelong readers, writers, and effective communicators. Your child will begin to work with words in three important ways: decoding or word recognition skills, spelling, and writing. Effective tutoring at this stage provides opportunities for each student to improve his or her skills.
With our tutoring, your child is better prepared in the academic language of mathematics (the language of tests and textbooks), mathematical attributes & critical mathematics vocabulary such as color, shape, size, time, and weight.
Reading and Comprehension :

Our reading/comprehension instruction is based on these facts:
- Good readers are aware of their own thought processes.
- Reading as well as comprehending is an art.
- The subject involves logical analysis. LOGICAL ANALYSIS is the main skill that your child will acquire ONLY through practice and with the direct coaching. Your child will practice reading interesting passages in an array of subjects, focusing on key points and comprehending the entire subject.
Our tutors in the reading program will help your child improve dramatically in reading and vocabulary. This is possible if your child attends two sessions per week. Children who are given this kind of support become more proficient readers.
Writing Skills :

Writing is very important for success in all careers nowadays. Even the simplest of jobs now requires submitting daily reports. So your child should begin to acquire good writing skills.
In schools, teachers don't have the time to work one-on-one with students due to large class sizes. If a child can read well, but is unable to perform the tasks during test, they will lose out on achieving high scores. Writing contributes to growth in phonics, spelling, word recognition, memory, and reading comprehension, as well as drafting, revising and editing.
Investing in the writing program for your child will have both short and long term payoffs. Our highly effective writing program emphasizes writing composition and language arts. Our tutors are always developing a structured individual program for your child to excel in writing. Your child will have substantial monitored practice in writing sentences, paragraphs, and essays. They will also practice proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar while learning how to increase focus and concentration while writing.
Mathematics Facts :

-Is your child suffering with the phobia of calculations?
-Is math a challenge in the classroom?
Our experts in math will help your child understand the basic math formulas through computational and problem solving skills. We will prepare your child to face quizzes and tests with confidence.
Our higher level math programs in Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus and AP Statistics will help your children solve the complex math problems with ease thus helping them achieve higher scores in their academic tests. These classes will help children from middle school to high school.
Science :
The Important thing is to never stop Questioning.

Science can't be understood through memorizing concepts. Our aim of science tutoring is to help strengthen student's knowledge of the concepts they are learning in school, thereby attaining high scores and increase the desire to learn more. As a result of our science tutoring program, our students develop critical thinking and reasoning skills of science.
Many students - and parents - find science complicated and confusing. They also feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Our tutors can help break science down for students and work through the curriculum at a pace with which they are comfortable. Enabling students to overcome their frustration and build confidence for success in their exams and assessment is a tangible goal.
Our tutors are committed to taking the stress out of science and making science an enjoyable subject so that students can progress. We work with our students for short periods for specific difficulties as well as for long- term regular support.
We offer special programs for the subjects of chemistry, physics, biology, earth science and more.
English Language Learners :

We offer English language instruction to students whose first language is something other than English. English Language Learners have difficulty with pronunciation, vocabulary, writing skills and formation of sentence structures. "Language interference" is due to the influence of one's native language. In addition, students who know the concepts in their native language but do not yet know the English words for the concepts will get the extra support from our tutors. Most of our tutors speak more than one language, so are very well equipped to teach your child how to overcome the challenges that are associated with learning a new language and a new culture. Through real-life examples, they will understand and remember concepts for years to come.
CogAT :
- The CogAt is a test of reasoning skills, it is not like a spelling or a math test where if you know the words or the facts you get 100%.
- CogAt is often used to help educators make student placement decisions for Gifted and Talented programs.
CogAt measures, three different contents :
- Verbal
- Quantitative(mathematics) and
- Non verbal or Spatial (using shapes and figures to solve problems).
We will make it easy for your child to get familiar with, the style & type of questions on the CogAt, they also learn the various sections and skills required in the test.
End Of Grade(EOG) / End of Course (EOC) :

Many students and parents are concerned about preparation for EOG/EOC. WHY?
Because the outcome will be a determining factor for timely high school graduation.
We help prepare your child to achieve high scores in NC End of Grade Testing program, which will measure your child's progress in Reading (3 - 8 grades), Math (3 - 8 grades), Science (5 & 8) and High School End-of-Course tests (9 - 12 grades).
We provide your child with academic preparation, test-taking strategies and practice tests using
workbooks to reflect the Common Core standards recently adopted by North Carolina. Our workbooks cover all the curriculum standards taught in North Carolina.

Most of the students panic today about their SAT/ACT scores. We know how stressful the college application process can be for both students and parents. Competition for college admission is fierce, and PSAT/SAT/PLAN/ACT requirements are higher than ever. Your SAT/ACT scores may be the determining factor in admission decisions - possibly even more important than a hard-earned GPA. Finding the expertise you need to navigate through the PSAT/SAT/PLAN/ACT process can also be challenging.
We provide personal attention, expert instruction, and use proven techniques and strategies to help you maximize your PSAT/SAT/PLAN/ACT performance.
Classes are kept small (1:3 students) to ensure the individualized attention we think they need and deserve. We provide Up-to-date course materials, each student receives extensive preparatory materials including thoroughly-researched hand outs. And the most important fact is that we listen to your child and discuss this with them.
It is very important to gain a wealth of practice & exposure. The best instruction can be of great help to the student at this time. Our course is loaded with really helpful strategies that will add up to large score gains for your child. Let us help prepare them for increased success.