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Track Out Enrichment Program

We welcome students even during holidays or summer break. There are great advantages to attending even when school is out of session.

Who wants to study when others are enjoying their holidays ?

Most successful students are those that continue attending during their summer break or off-track periods because they continue to learn rather than forgetting what they have learned already. By attending sessions when others are out of school, your children are more likely to be ahead in the race to academic excellence and the next school session should be easier to manage.

Our Academic Summer/Track Out Enrichment Program is for children who are advanced students or for students who are struggling with school. For instance, in the area of math, we can help those who need to memorize multiplication tables or provide new challenges to the math enthusiast who can't get enough at school. In the area of language arts and English, your child will double their reading speed and improve comprehension, concentration, and recall. Your child will also learn to complete homework and tests more quickly and easily.

  • A Plus Tutor USA offers reading comprehension, writing skills, mathematics interpretation, and science insight in addition to fun-filled field trips and activities as part of our Summer / Track Out Enrichment Program to help your child to get ahead!
  • Your child will enjoy our fun-filled field trips and activities such as going to art exhibits, movies, parks, ice cream socials, museums, libraries, bowling, skating, horseback riding, and more !
Our tutors in the reading program will help your child improve dramatically in reading and vocabulary. This is possible if your child attends two sessions per week. Children who are given this kind of support become more proficient readers.

Note: Our Academic Track Out Enrichment Program is offered to students who are currently enrolled in the tutoring program and are taking at least one or more sessions per week.

Summer Enrollment: June, July and August are open enrollment months without restriction.

Getting started is easy:
Call us at: 919-672-4724 (cell), 919-378-9100 ( Office)
Contact Us: enrich@aplustutorusa.com